‘SKB PN’ is a Russian Joint Stock Company that focuses on supplying underground navigation equipment. We are also interested in a number of other promising areas in the field.
Geophysical Equipment
This direction is aimed at special needs of oil and gas sector, mining, and other extractive industries. The works cover development and manufacture of continuous gyroscopic and magnetometric wireline survey tools; navigation modules (including those used in logging-while-drilling telemetry systems); mobile wireline survey complexes meant for mine openings and complex construction and engineering projects.
We also develop special mobile object orientation systems based on use of magnetometric detectors.
Borehole Geophysical Tools Testing Installations (UISP)
The Borehole Geophysical Tools Testing Installations (UISP) manufactured by the SKB PN Company are used for simulation of operational impact limits on hydrostatic pressure and temperature, under a wide range of conditions. The Company specialists have taken into account the whole production history and practical experience related to the similar testing installations development and manufacturing. Today, we are the only company in Russia finding itself in possession of complete reference design and technical documentation, and producing the Borehole Geophysical Tools Testing Installations suitable for the tools with the limiting values of up to 200 mPa for pressure and up to 250°С (482°F) for temperature.
Geotechnical Monitoring Systems
- Long-term monitoring of deformations common to natural objects (landslides on slopes, in ravines, etc.);
- Underground depth movements control at the time of engineering structures construction works, monitoring of possible displacement of foundations, building supporting structures, etc.
The Company accepts orders for monitoring works with the use of movable wireline survey tools with continuous mode of surveying, and also by setting up the micromechanical tilt sensors inside the benchmark wells.
Electronic Contract Manufacturing
Our extensive working experience in modern electronics development and manufacturing has presented us with great opportunity of introducing to market a number of our additional services related to the field.
Thus, the SKB PN Company accepts orders for supplying the hardware components following the ordering customer’s documentation, and orders for electronics manufacturing location in terms of both one-of-a-kind items and batch production.